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Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

It’s not easy to run a coliving

Sit Down, Let Mama Carlos Tell You About Coliving OK, so you’re starting a coliving. Great! I’m sure you’re excited about that. I know how it feels, but I also know what your fears are. Believe me, I’ve been there. However, it’s never been a better time to

community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

A Sense of Family – A Hidden Look at How to Achieve This in Coliving

A Personal Look at the Perfect Coliving Manager Mindset This is the third and last intro post about coliving. Before we get our hands dirty about coliving management starting next week, I want to stop and take some time to talk to you about something personal. What I’m

Technology in coliving
coliving technology
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Smart coliving: Technology and coliving

The best tips on how technology can be used in coliving. Hint: It’s not only about saving energy. There are several phases that pop into your head while running a coliving. The first one is, “will I fill the space up?” I have a firm opinion on why

community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

No community, no coliving

Be vertical: The future of coliving. The Ground Floor of a Future Multi-Billion Dollar Industry It’s 2021, and after 8+ years, there’s finally a word to define my passion: Coliving. In my growing years, it was “hacker house,” a term that would raise people’s eyebrows and is a

horror stories
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

My first House Manager almost destroyed my coliving business

Coliving Horror Stories – “How to Delegate Your Coliving” Edition This post starts a mini-series I’ve titled Horror Stories in Coliving that show what can go wrong when operating a coliving. Perhaps you can learn something and avoid such situations. I started Startup Embassy in 2012 with $200

business model
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Coliving: Revenue from beds should be anecdotal

How One Niche Can Change Your Value Proposition Since the first time the idea of starting a coliving crossed my mind, it was obvious that Startup Embassy had to be for startup founders only. At the time, my complete vision wasn’t fully realized.    What I did realize

Territorilaity in coliving
community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Coliving: How People Become Territorial

How Ownership Can Poison a Community Community lies at the core of a successful coliving, and maintaining a healthy one is already demanding. However, one thing seldom discussed is that even if you have a healthy community, situations arise that will challenge its survival. One of these mechanisms,

Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Your Fridge Stinks! And Other Disasters From My Coliving

One Quick Fix for Any Communal Kitchen In a coliving career, you’ll soon find out why it’s dynamic, interesting, and ultimately a rewarding life. However, you’ll probably want to pull your hair out first. While there are more complex issues like what I’ve called “territoriality” or being puneeted,

Charles Manson Coliving
community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Coliving: Don’t Be Puneeted! A Cautionary Tale

How to identify the worst community members in your coliving before they bring huge trouble. (*) New verb – to puneet: the act of being the worst coliver possible. I’ve said it many times, running a coliving can be demanding. On top of managing the physical property, you’re

stages in a coliver
community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

7 Stages to Perfect Your Coliving Guest Journey

Maximize Your Community With a Coliver/Asset Strategy I hope that at this stage, there is a consensus that a healthy community is the cornerstone of your coliving. Either because you genuinely believe it or because it has already become common knowledge, and you’d look stupid by denying it. 

community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Communities and cycles (I)

Coliving Foundations – Recognizing Destructive Cycles Your community is alive, and it will be in constant change. Learn what events trigger a change in the energy of your community and what consequences you might face.​ Let’s start at the foundation— there’s consensus that community is at the heart

community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Communities and cycles (II)

Who is Your First Line of Defense? In this second part of coliving communities and cycles, we’ll learn how to deal with events that will either disrupt your space’s energy, your community DNA, or both. Read the first part here if you haven’t already. The best weapon against

horror stories
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

I once had rats in my coliving

One Embarrassing Secret I Will Share With You We all know how it goes in interviews with successful entrepreneurs. The questions focus on their success and how they achieved it. But most often, they spend little to no time remembering those “struggling” periods. When they do, it goes

horror stories
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Coliving Horror Short Stories to Add Some Spookiness to Your Weekend

Can You Remember Any of These Happening to You? If you are genuinely wondering, here’s mama Carlos to tell you some stories. I’ve already written about the infamous Startup Castle in Silicon Valley, how my first House Manager almost screwed my business, and even about that time I

coliving cults
community design
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Did it occur to you that your coliving might be a cult?

7 Clear Signs That Your Coliving is Actually a Cult My friend Damiano Ramazzotti and I frequently have long discussions about how, if you are not careful, your coliving might turn into a cult—even when you have the best of intentions.  I’ve seen some communities like the Startup

coliving bed ejector
Carlos de la Lama-Noriega

Coliving: the room should spit you out

You’re Selling Community—Not Isolation! Coliving is a new industry taking shape, and as such, an ecosystem is still in early development. There are operators, each with their own model and value proposition (and most of them, in my opinion, very shallow in their value proposition).  There are designers,